lololololollolololoolollooololollolol ol+poo...
LOL exsuse that...
Is the guy in grey really hank? Krinkels, I MUST KNO!
plus i sent u a mssge via hotmail but u no reply. *-*
And sorry if my comment is mean, offensive, or generally not helpful.
I PMSL!!!!!
Oh mine got!
Poor chris. i'll give im meesa PKMN Sapphire as meesa gots Diamond/pearl!
^^ ^^ ^^
(PMSL means pee-pee my self laughing)
Super impossbilely cool kills
the only thing i didn't like was the zombies.
They should have been green like krinkels's zombies!
apart from that, it was 100% GREAT!!
I'd give it more outta ten but i can't!
its just too good to be true!
My ani is maybe better.
Consdiering its ur 1st flash, was ok, but, annoying Q, did u use multi layers? one for 1 Charater and one 4 guns?
Was what ive done
www.spanglefish.com/gameblogerz (copy+paste this) scroll to bottom of page and select MCMVSSMR1 to see how mine turned out. (i was peeing around when i did it thou)
was okay, the best bit was "It burns my nonexsitat eyes!"
(yes, i kno i cant spell)
I have a hat with a monkey on it, and a plushy Pikachu. I bet you're jealous. You should be.
Age 31, Male
Wannabe Animator
Oaklands College
England, UK
Joined on 12/6/08