I seem to do that alot, but who doesnt? I mean, school work, animating, the list isnt endless...
So anyways, Madness 6.5. Fucking awesome. The best bit would have to be the rift scene, purely because this is where Sanford and Demios get most of their clothes (Sanford is missing the DNA strand tattoo on his back,and Demios needs his headset) and the quick shoot out right afterwards made it so much more funnier.
To summarise, it rocked. :D
oh yah, btw....
My buddy here is drawing stuff for me n hopefully, we might do collabs together and what not. Any animations im making, he WILL be co-authoured as an artist :3
Later, Ali25
ps. lol, me and my bubby chris :D
Hmmm Beleive.....Its Procrastinating...xD And Yeah Imma Thinking About Doing Some Random Drawings Btw...Soo Yeah..
hehe, i has Scar H, so naaaaaaaaa ;P